KsAWWA Leadership Development Program


The purpose of this program is to facilitate member development for leadership roles within the Kansas Section AWWA (KsAWWA) and/or our parent organization AWWA. KsAWWA desires to establish mentoring processes to enhance member benefits, sustain strong leadership for KsAWWA, and expand networking opportunities for our members.

Our mentors are current and past members of the KsAWWA Board of Trustees, directors, and committee chairs.

The leadership development period will have a term of approximately one year beginning at the KWEA/KsAWWA Joint Annual Conference and ending with the following annual conference. Mentee activities will include attending Board of Trustees meetings, committee meetings, and other
activities as opportunities arise and the schedule allows. The mentor will use those opportunities to introduce the mentee to other members and discuss with the mentee how the activity supports the mission and goals of KsAWWA and the process for getting engaged and becoming part of that activity. Mentors will share their experiences as a member and leader of KsAWWA and how they have benefited from that experience.

Program Requirements

  1. One-hour monthly communication with mentor minimum;
  2. Attendance at board of trustees and committee meetings as schedule allows;
  3. Ability to use Microsoft Teams, Zoom, email, or phone to communicate with mentor when in-person communication is not available;
  4. Ability to provide feedback to program facilitator.

Eligibility and Application Requirements

  1. Applicant must have an interest in the water operator profession;
  2. Applicant can be attending college, university, or technical school or working in the utility field;
  3. Applicant must reside or work within the geographical boundaries covered by the sponsoring Section.


Deadline to Apply: August 5, 2024

Announcement will be made at the annual conference.